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Cancer Fears Sparking Changes at West Palm Beach Fire

Unusually high cancer rates among firefighters are prompting changes to the way West Palm Beach Fire Rescue does business. This according to the city's new Fire Chief.

Chief Diana Matty says one of her top priorities is to make major changes in the department's procedures to reduce the risk of exposure to cancer-causing chemicals.

Previously, Matty says, it was a "badge of honor" to have helmets and gear covered in the remnants of soot and dirt showing how many fires have been fought.

"Now studies have shown that this stuff causes cancer," says Matty.

Chief Matty says she is ordering firefighters to step up their decontamination procedures after a fire, including showering within an hour after returning to the station and changing equipment.

"It's been a long process of researchers and scientists figuring what's causing cancers in firefighters because they are over three times more likely to get cancer, and some of the cancers are up to ten times higher," said Matty.

Chief Matty calls reducing cancer rates in her department one of her top "missions" on the job.

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